
Gently, with respect and with my full attention.

That is how I approach shiatsu and each of you, who come to me.

Whether you need to relax your stiff back, calm your mind or return to yourself.

A touch as a form of working with different layers of being.

Time and price

50 - 70 minutes 1000 Kč

30 minutes 600 Kč

Shall we meet?

Napište mi a já se vám co nejdříve ozvu. S večerními termíny bývá náročnější najít společný čas, ale často mívám volno během dne – hlavně dopoledne.


U vás v obýváku. Pouštím se naplno do cestování za vámi. Vlastní prostor v tuhle chvíli nemám. Shiatsu pochází z Japonska, a tak ideální pracovní prostředí je na zemi, respektive na podložce s dekou. Všechno potřebné si přivezu a na vás bude jen zařídit místo na zemi o rozměrech 2×2,5m.

Shiatsu as a gift??

An envelope with a voucher for a massage is a convenient gift for partners, parents or friends.

Few words about shiatsu

Japanese massage with a holistic approach that takes inspiration from both East (classical chinese medicine) and West (physical therapy) and combines them to find harmony. It has potential to help relax not only the physical body, but also the layers of emotions, thought patterns, etc.

Since it comes from Japan, it probably doesn’t surprise you that the best space for it is on the ground. No massage table needed. Ideally there’s a futon (japanese mattress) on the floor. Another difference compared to other types of massages is that you (the client) are fully dressed the whole time, from head to socks.