About me

My name is Michaela Clark

What (did) I meet on my path in life?

At the beginning there was a lot of drawing in preschool. When all the other kids went to sleep after lunch, my Mom made a deal for me with the teachers. I could quietly sit by the tiny table and draw. Win-win situation… Later on my creativity took the form of decorating the edges of my school notebooks, which stayed present throughout my whole study years. I was pretty content with that, the teachers sometimes a bit less.

Luckily I managed to pay attention to the classes as well. In 2018 I graduated from Gymnázium Jana Nerudy in Prague and after a short attempt at Humanitarian and Social Studies at Charles University I switched to the form of self-study and specialised courses.

I fell in love with oil painting in 2016 and since then I more or less often spend time in front of a canvas, with a cup of tea and paints in my hair.

Tetování, ať už v dočasné nebo trvalé formě, mě odjakživa fascinovalo. Nejdřív se mi do ruky dostala henna, kterou i v současnosti občas zdobím sebe nebo jiné. O dost později i první tetovací strojek. Víc jak rok jsem se učila a následně pracovala v jednom studiu v Praze. V tuto chvíli nemám stálé křeslo ve studiu, ale čas od času hostuji.

At the root of my love of movement is aikido. Japanese martial art that is a bit different than any other I came across so far. For over five years aikido has been a part of my life and I still often feel like I’m at the beginning. Being in contact with someone, finding a common direction and a path that leads to harmony. Being aware of one’s own centre, axis and breath.

Only then I can be in contact with you and stay in touch with myself. And in that moment shiatsu can happen. A touch that creates space for relaxation. A moment for you to feel yourself and find comfort in your own body.

Thank you all that I had the honour to meet. You keep showing me different sides of life and teaching me…

I’m also looking forward to meeting you that I’ve not had the chance yet. To shared (extra)ordinary moments.